Even if you are accused of a crime, you have rights. When you are threatened with prosecution, we have the knowledge, determination and resources to fight prosecutors and preserve your freedom. We want to ensure your life and liberty. Whether the matter is a summary offense or a felony charge, no criminal case is simple. our first priority at InsleeLAw LLC is to understand our client's background and to tailor our representation to their goals.
DUI Attorney
DUI charges are common problems for many working people, but they should be treated seriously. Call for a free interview concerning DUI charges.
Expungements and Pardonsy
It is frustrating for many people to have a criminal record. It may make it difficult to find employment or enter into certain academic institutions. Seeking an expungement of the record or a pardon are possibilities that many people should pursue. This can provide a fresh start. We are willing to advise you on the process and represent you at pardon hearings. With some patience, we can guarantee that past mistakes do not inhibit you from reaching your goals.
DUI Attorney
DUI charges are common problems for many working people, but they should be treated seriously. Call for a free interview concerning DUI charges.
Expungements and Pardonsy
It is frustrating for many people to have a criminal record. It may make it difficult to find employment or enter into certain academic institutions. Seeking an expungement of the record or a pardon are possibilities that many people should pursue. This can provide a fresh start. We are willing to advise you on the process and represent you at pardon hearings. With some patience, we can guarantee that past mistakes do not inhibit you from reaching your goals.